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At Criaco & Associates, our experience and dedication to representing Houston car accident victims have earned us the legal expertise and financial resources to handle our client’s cases with the best representation. We are committed to doing everything in our power to make sure we achieve the best possible outcome for our Houston auto accident victims.

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. As more and more cars enter our roadways, more and more risks and threats are present to drivers.

There are approximately 6 million car accidents in the United States every year. Of these 6 million accidents, there are 3 million injuries – about 2 million of which are permanent, including paralysis, paraplegia, and quadriplegia. Car accidents are responsible for killing over 40,000 people each year.

With numbers like these, it is likely that at some point, every driver will be involved in some kind of auto accident. Whether it is a “fender bender” or a one more serious, it is always important to protect yourself.

Always be a cautious and courteous driver. Protect yourself by owning automobile insurance. It is estimated that 25% of the cars on the road are being driven by uninsured drivers.

If you are involved in any type of car accident, you may be eligible to collect compensation from any negligent parties. If you have sustained an injury, you should hold the negligent party or parties responsible for any injuries, loss of income, medical expenses, among many others.

By contacting a Houston traffic accident lawyer at Criaco & Associates to represent you after an auto accident, you are making the best choice in legal representation. We will investigate the accident scene, research the accident and your vehicle along with any other evidence that came into play at the time of your accident. We will stand up for you against any insurance company, wrongdoer, trucking company, or anyone else who has caused you harm. It is our responsibility to make sure your rights are upheld and defended.

Insist that a report be filed with the police, sheriff or highway patrol. Obtain the name, address, insurance information, vehicle license number and driver’s license number of any and all other persons involved in the accident. Also get the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all witnesses. Photograph the accident scene, including all vehicles involved (before repairing) and any visible injuries (cuts, bruises). Talk to no one about the accident or injuries other than your doctor or lawyer, especially not an insurance adjuster. Sign nothing without consulting an automobile accident lawyer. Truthful statements made in an attempt to be helpful can easily be misinterpreted and turned against you. Seek medical attention and tell your physician or surgeon exactly how the injury occurred and describe all symptoms and complaints. Be sure to report memory problems, confusion or disorientation, however minor these things may seem at the time.

If you’ve been in a car accident, immediately call an experienced and reputable Houston Car Accident Lawyer for a consultation. Call Criaco & Associates today to begin protecting your rights and start your fight to achieve the best possible results.